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A member registered Jan 17, 2023

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play skyrim and you will get it there are same locks but some are easyer and some are harder

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i'm at 172 in game days and waited for the emperor for close to 25 days is it ok? btw one of daughter of emperor in cells just disappeared after she got to max obedience (not the Catalina but i don't have save files with her before she dissapeared close to that)

first of all i'm not from country where english is main language, so i will have mistakes. Second of all i'm about something like "you are red and i don't realy want to mess with you" or "you are red so i don't trust  you even after that thing

I REALY want to see some "you are red one" interactions. It's like: i have beated up guard bc didn't wanted to undress and i have killed someone and got there bc of that and i will say to "i just want to help" with "By beating me up? Red means you're violent" even if i'm red one too and i have beating everyone before that

i have killed Wall Crawlers before going to quest with Cynthia and dialogue was like: "i have killed rank C and B monsters and you killed just some S rank monsters... pathetic"

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this monolog is VERY readable

use attack and you will be faste

talk not in front of him but from the side of him

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(кстати я ещё могу дать голос Санса и Папайруса, я их долго тренировал и у меня немного другой голос + английская версия голосов)

Искал я значит случайные игры для взрослых и наткнулся на это. Как фанат игры андертейл я заинтересовался игрой. Я был бы рад увидеть продолжения и улучшения, хотел бы и помочь но нет никакого опыта в создании игр никаких, так что не смогу помочь (так как я ролевик могут быть идеи и доработки неплохие но если не научусь создавать игры то это всё)

mine story: long ago i played first version, but broke mine pc, and found it again at 1-6 version of game (now i have a laptop)

TRANSLATION: Lol. This game is cool but it's bad i don't have money to buy last version

P.S привет ещё один русскоговорящий из ич.ио (hello another Russian-speaking dude from